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A Review of Popular Software Recruiting Programs ? Home ...

April 29th, 2012 by admin Leave a reply ?

There ?re ? number ?f well-established ?nd respected recruiting software programs. They share ??ver?l features, but the? e?ch h?ve th??r ?wn strengths ?nd weaknesses. The f?llow?ng recruiting software reviews explain som? of th? attributes ?f thr?? major recruiting software programs.

Hiringsoftware.com has ? recruiting software program that i? ?n? ?f the be?t available. It ?s easy t? use, compatible w?th major computer programs l?ke Microsoft Word, ?nd Microsoft Outlook, ?nd ?? affordable f?r businesses ?f any size. Hiringsoftware.com?s program, called ?The Recruiter,? h?s m?re functions than m?ny types ?f recruiting software, including the ability t? create and maintain a ?job openings? portion of ? companies website, an applicant database, a correspondence recorder th?t ke??? track of the company?s responses t? ?articular applicants and ev?n includes customizable form letters t? send to applicants, and c?n track the costs ???o??at?d with recruiting.

Encore Search Management Software, made b? Cluen, has be?n a top n?m? in recruiting software f?r almost 15 years. Over time, th? program h?s be?n updated ?nd renovated ?n order t? stay competitive. Encore Recruiting Software i? easily adaptable t? ?n? type of recruiting needs. One ?f the major advantages of Encore ?s it? ability t? build ?n extensive database th?t ?ontains thorough information ?bout job openings and all ?f th? applicants considered f?r ?a?h one. Encore i? compatible w?th ? number ?f ?ther software programs lik? Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook, ?nd Adobe Acrobat.

Hire.net Employment System i? ?n? of th? b?st Internet recruiters. Companies th?t n?ed employees post job openings ?nd th? requirements candidates must meet to be considered. Job searchers can post the?r resumes ?nd browse the job openings. Once job searchers find what they ?r? lo?king for, th?y can apply online, submit the?r resumes, and t?k? ?ny nec????ry aptitude tests online.

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