রবিবার, ২৯ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Causes of eczema | Health and Fitness

There is no real, specific reason that is often given in order to describe how people come to have eczema. It is generally considered as allergic disease, and may also be known as atopic eczema. It is associated with asthma and hay fever and if any family members suffer from this disease, then others will also be infected and this may be the reason behind eczema, or any of the other two. There can be various causes of eczema as stated below:

  • ?A variation in normal temperature or humidity.
  • ?Different allergies (to dust, mould, animal, etc.)
  • ?Chemical irritants: pesticides, paint strippers, alcohol, astringents, perfumes, harsh soaps, detergents and household cleaners.
  • ?Physical irritants such as synthetic fabrics.
  • Emotional stress.
  • ?Any kind of infection.

All of the above reasons may cause or give rise to eczema, but this cannot be guaranteed. Any contact with a substance that irritates the skin is called irritant contact dermatitis. This is caused by direct contact between the skin and the matter, which is generally something like detergent, soap, alcohol, strong chemicals, cleaners, perfume, etc. Another cause of eczema is contact with any substance you may be allergic to. These are the allergens which cause the skin to be promptly responsive to any change in the atmosphere. Allergens can be chemicals like detergent powder or perfumes, and the skin quickly has a reaction. Possible allergens also include metals like nickel. Whenever you wear nickel earrings, or any ornaments made of nickel, your skin will respond to it if you are allergic.

Poison ivy, cosmetics and rubber products are also incorporated in this category. Infantile eczema is a kind eczema that affects young babies in the majority of cases, but can occur in slightly older infants too. This kind of eczema is caused by some wetness, such as from dribble, or an inflammation of the scalp, commonly known as cradle cap.

The cause of the variety of eczema that occurs on the lower portion of the legs is also known as stasis dermatitis. This can be based around varicose veins, so it may be also called varicose or gravitational eczema.

There are two sorts of contact dermatitis, branded as allergic contact dermatitis and direct irritant contact dermatitis. Direct irritant contact dermatitis is sourced from direct exposure to acids, alkaline, detergents and various other chemicals that could actually agitate the skin, and if this happens recurrently then the condition can be continual. This kind of dermatitis is often come across in the place of work. While on the other hand, allergic contact dermatitis is caused by the exposure of skin to allergens, that may be bodily or chemical substances.

There is an important difference between the two, for in allergic contact dermatitis, the exposure is necessary for in order to spark the infection. In direct irritant contact dermatitis, it happens upon first exposure, as in when you first came in contact with the chemicals and you feel ill.

Additional causes of eczema may be the consequence of chemical reactions within human body. These consist of seborrhoeic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, discoid or nummular, dishydrotic or pompholyx eczema and varicose dermatitis.

Eczema is shown by a number of symptoms. All types of eczema, except seborrhoeic, have few typical symptoms such as blistering. The typical symptoms are: skin redness, weeping of skin, inflammation, pain, tenderness, and scaling, crusting, dryness, fissures and vesicles, or blistering, takes place. Any kind of damage to the skin may make it become thicker in consistency. This is also known as lichenification.

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